Hi!! Thanks for being interested in my silly little Ink desktop buddy! Ink himself was created by Comyet, and I wanted to make something a little more interactive with him! Usually these guys are referred to as "ghosts" so if you see me referring to him as that, now you know!!
Hes got a couple different features going on and different means of interacting with him. I definitely intend to add more over time with your suggestions too!!
If you have a suggestion for him, or youd like him to chat about your own au or character, you can tell him about it over here!
Onto the features!
You can pet him!! you can pat his silly little skull by rubbing your mouse over it.
He has different areas you can mess with! Feel free to find them out yourself, if your mouse changes shape over an area, wiggle it a little, he might say something!
Dressup options!! You can dress Ink up like a couple other aus or give him accessories! He might say something about the specific clothing pieces you give him! :)
Hes got another shell! Could also be considered a skin, but it changes his dialogue a little. More to come later!
You can tell him things!! This feature is still very much in the works, but ill be adding more reactions over time. This feature also serves as a means of giving him special passwords!
Passwords!! When you submit stuff about your au to Ink, he'll give you a password to tell his desktop buddy version, when you give him that password, he should recognze you, and have things to say about your stuff here and there!
Program recognition! He can recognize drawing programs and make comments on them! you have to allow him to in the speech settings section of the config menu.
I want to add even more ways of interacting later, but for now im releasing him upon the masses! Let this silly guy inspire you while you work on your computer!
A big ol special thank you to Zichqec and everyone in the Ukagaka Dream Team community for all your help with making this silly possible!!
What's an Ukagaka/ghost?
An Ukagaka, or ghost, is a character that hangs out on your desktop! They can do little tasks for you such as emptying your recycling bin, checking for new emails, or checking the weather. Mostly they'll just keep you company and say random dialogue.
Ghosts are very diverse, some have a strong focus on story and discovering information, while others are full of interesting functions or games. Check out this video to learn more!
How to install a ghost
To use a ghost, you'll need a program to run it in. If you're on Windows, you can use SSP. If you're not on a Windows computer there are some options available, but you'll have to play around and see what works for you.
Mac: Ukagaka on Macs, NiseRingo, PlayonMac+SSP, WineBottler
For those using SSP, go ahead and download the complete install package from the website. When you run it a catgirl named Emily should appear and say something in japanese. Drag and drop the .nar file you downloaded for this ghost on her, and she should install them for you. Once she's done, right click her, hover over 'change ghost', and select the appropriate ghost!
If you get an error window like this when you start SSP, it probably can't find any ghosts to run. You can try dropping the .nar file for the ghost you want to install onto that window. If that doesn't work, click the first button and point it towards your ghost directory(It should be \SSP\ghost).
If the right click menu is in Japanese, the language option is the 4th one up from the bottom. Select English and it should change immediately. If it doesn't, try restarting SSP.
If the catgirl will not install any ghosts for you, you can unzip the .nar file and drag the contents into the \SSP\ghost folder. Your unzipped folder should have subfolders called 'ghost' and 'shell' on the top level, if it doesn't you'll have to move all the ghost's files up one level. Once that's done, restart SSP and look in the right click menu again, and they should be in your list of ghosts.
Instructions on how to use each ghost are in their readmes, which should automatically pop up when you install them! If it doesn't appear, you can see it by opening them, right clicking on them, and going to Information>Read me.
The right click menu is how you do things like change ghosts or call more of them at once, how you change the size of the ghost/balloon, and how you access the preferences menu to do things like make the ghost always stay on top of other windows. If you're wanting to tweak something about SSP, you'll likely find it there!